If you are in the market for this Sony RMFTX200U TV Remote Control, we have them here in stock at ReplacementRemotes.com. This is the brand new OEM remote from Sony, we offer a 60 day replacement warranty and a guaranteed return policy as well. Also, there is No programming required, just install new batteries and your all set. Call today and make your order, 336 924 8787.
Month: July 2016

If you are in the market for this Insignia NSRCRUDUS17 Roku TV Remote Control, we have them here in stock at ReplacementRemotes.com. This is the brand new OEM remote from Insignia, we offer a 60 day replacement warranty and a guaranteed return policy as well. Also, there is No programming required, just install new batteries and your all set. Call today and make your order, 336 924 8787.

SHARP 84505231B01 TV Remote Control
If you are in the market for this Sharp 84505231b01 TV Remote Control, we have them here in stock at ReplacementRemotes.com. This is the brand new OEM remote from Sharp, we offer a 60 day replacement warranty and a guaranteed return policy as well. Also, there is No programming required, just install new batteries and your all set. Call today and make your order, 336 924 8787.

Five Iconic 60s Television Shows
The 1960s were truly the golden age of television, as the medium found its feet and established many conventions still observed today. It was the heyday of the sitcom, and also the era when broadcast journalism hit its peak and great dramas like MASH became popular fare.
Today, television viewers can enjoy some nostalgia or be introduced to some of the era’s iconic shows by using their television remotes to tune in to the many classic television channels on the tube. Here’s a list of some shows you’ll definitely want to check out:
- 60 Minutes – The venerable news magazine had its start in the 1960s. “60 Minutes” is one of the most influential examples of broadcast journalism, shaping the medium for decades.
- Bewitched – “Bewitched” is one of the most beloved sitcoms of the 1960s, telling the story of an ad man whose wife is a witch – literally. Samantha Stevens only uses her powers for good, but her mother Endora is a different story. The mismatch of the supernatural Samantha and vanilla Darren made for great laughs and television.
- Night Gallery – A little less well-known than “The Twilight Zone,” “Night Gallery” was a suspense/horror anthology that helped shape the genre. The influence of “Night Gallery” can be felt today in shows like “Stranger Things” and “American Horror Story.”
- Perry Mason – This show practically invented the courtroom procedural. “Perry Mason” starred Raymond Burr as the eponymous title character, a committed defender of his clients, who were invariably innocent of the crimes they were accused of committing.
- The Ed Sullivan Show – “The Ed Sullivan Show” helped establish the conventions observed by variety shows such as “The Tonight Show” and “The Late Show” today. The show also introduced America to Elvis and The Beatles.
ReplacementRemotes.com sells new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronic devices. The company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.
Traditional TV & Streaming Service Converging
Television is in the process of a great transition, with traditional TV networks jumping on the streaming bandwagon, offering new ways to consume their content instead of broadcasting them and then letting a streaming service pick them up later.
A growing number of television networks are creating their own streaming applications that allow consumers to watch their fare without a cable subscription. Viewers can either watch the shows for free, or pay a fee for the service. The end result is that viewers have more choices than ever, as they can access just about anything from their TV remotes.
Many of the hottest shows on traditional broadcast and cable networks are available online the same day they are shown on traditional TV. Streaming services are also upending the old system of TV seasons by making entire seasons of their original content available at one time.
In recent years, the growth of streaming services has outpaced that of traditional cable. In 2015, revenues for streaming services grew 29 percent, while cable TV revenues grew by just 3 percent. Cable revenues still greatly outweigh streaming service revenues, but, in time, the opposite will very likely be the case.
ReplacementRemotes.com sells new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronic devices. The company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.

SAMSUNG AH5902613A HI-FI Component System Remote Control
If you are in the market for this Samsung Ah5902613A Hi-Fi Component System Remote Control, we have them here in stock at ReplacementRemotes.com. This is the brand new OEM remote from Samsung, we offer a 60 day replacement warranty and a guaranteed return policy as well. Also, there is No programming required, just install new batteries and your all set. Call today and make your order, 336 924 8787.

Generation Gap Persists, Even in Media Viewing Habits
New studies show that differences between Millennials and Baby Boomers extend even to how they consume media. The older generation is more likely to spend time flipping through TV channels with a remote control, while younger media consumers are more interested in social media and online content.
Baby Boomers, even those who are online, spend far more time viewing traditional media sources than their younger counterparts. People aged 46 to 65 who go online regularly still spend about 4.3 hours per day watching television, listening to the radio, and reading newspapers. Millennials spend about 2.9 hours per day, on average, consuming traditional media sources.
Millennials spend more time on social media than their older counterparts. About 71 percent of Millennials use social media each day, and 76 percent watch online videos daily. Millennials are also spending quite a bit of time on their mobile devices. The average Millennial with Internet access spends more than 21 hours a week on their mobile devices.
While Millennials are of growing importance to content creators and marketers, older generations should not be left out by these organizations’ marketing efforts, as they control significantly larger disposable incomes than the younger generation.
ReplacementRemotes.com sells new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronic devices. The company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.
Five Tips to Avoid Losing Your Remote
Losing your TV remote is a real pain. Today’s television remote controls do a lot more than just flip between channels and, without your television remote, you may not be able to operate your TV.
For folks who’d like to avoid losing their remotes, these tips can help:
- Designate a spot for the remote – Keep up with your remote by always leaving it in the same place. By returning the remote to an end table or coffee table after each use, you can avoid losing it.
- Make it more visible – Paint your remote or tie a brightly colored ribbon around it to make it easier to find if it gets lost.
- Get the kids involved – Establish a rewards system that gives prizes to your kids if they remember to put the remote in the right place or help in finding it.
- Get a sofa caddy – Sofa caddies store remotes and connect to your sofa. They allow easy and convenient storage of your remotes.
- Get a tethered remote – Tethered remotes are used in hotels to avoid theft of remotes by guests. The remote is connected by a cable to a device bolted on to a table or the wall. At home, these remotes will keep your device from being lost.
ReplacementRemotes.com sells new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronic devices. The company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.

SONY RMTB117A Blu-Ray DVD Player Remote Control
If you are in the market for this Sony RMTB117A Blu Ray DVD Remote Control, we have them here in stock at ReplacementRemotes.com. This is the brand new OEM remote from Sony, we offer a 60 day replacement warranty and a guaranteed return policy as well. Also, there is No programming required, just install new batteries and your all set. Call today and make your order, 336 924 8787.

Four Steps for Selecting the Right TV Stand
Consumers spend hours researching what type of TV they want – poring through review sites to learn more about HDTVs, OLED TVs, and other types of television sets. They often neglect to put much thought into the TV stand they purchase, though.
That’s a shame, because a good television stand can help improve the presentation of their expensive new toy and protect it from damage. When choosing a new TV stand, keep the following in mind:
- Aesthetics – Make sure that your TV stand fits the décor of your living room or home theater room. You’re going to spend a lot of time looking at your TV and the stand it rests on, so make sure the stand isn’t an eyesore.
- Setting – Consider the shape of your room and the best place to put your TV stand. Also consider lighting in the room and how it will affect how your screen looks.
- Size – This is one of the most important factors in choosing a stand. You’ll need to ensure that your stand can support the weight of your television. You also want some buffer between the TV and the surrounding area so you and guests can avoid bumping into it and knocking it over.
- Storage space – It’s typically a good idea to buy a TV stand that offers storage room for other media devices, such as DVD players and gaming systems, as well as games, DVDs, and other gear.
ReplacementRemotes.com sells new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronic devices. The company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.