Remote May Be Ground Zero for Germs

Your Remote May Be Ground Zero for Germs

The next time you pick up your remote control, you may want to wear a glove. Remotes have been found to be major germ magnets, often being one of the dirtiest items in the average home.

Remote May Be Ground Zero for Germs

Think about all the contact you have with your remotes—all the times each day you touch it, how many times you’ve sneezed on it, etc. Chances are, you’re realizing in horror how potentially nasty your remote is.

If the remote is used in a hotel or business, the grossness only increases when you consider the number of hands that have held it.

Science backs up the idea that our remotes are breeding grounds for germs. A recent University of Virginia study found that half the remotes they tested for cold viruses came back with positive results. The study also found that germs can live on remotes for 24 hours or more.

Remotes are tough to clean, as the electronic components of these devices make immersion in water or robust cleaning impractical. Remotes also have nooks and crannies where germs can hide from even the most thorough wipe downs.

If your remote is a year old or older, your best bet to reduce the chance of illness is to purchase a new remote control. A clean slate and regular cleaning may help avoid the buildup of germs. New remotes made of germ-resistant material are also available now.

Replacement Remotes provides quality universal remotes, hospitality remotes, and related gear. Shop now to find a clean new remote.

Make Transitioning Easier with a Hospitality Remote

Here at Replacement Remotes, we know that everything isn’t always about owning the latest and greatest TV. Life is about the important things, especially family. That is why we want to take the time to explain the benefits of using a hospitality remote in the event that life hits you with a curveball. A curveball could be having to move an aging parent or other ailing loved one into your home. It could mean having to help a loved one get settled in an assisted-living facility. Whatever the curveball might be, we are here to help make the transition easier.

When an aging or ailing loved one has to leave his or her home, it is difficult. He or she is giving up his or her independence. That is where one of our hospitality remotes comes in handy. Yes, other things are changing in your loved one’s life — but his or her TV watching experience doesn’t have to change. Our remotes are designed to be easy-to-use and to understand.

Each one features minimal buttons to help your loved one avoid confusion. It can be quite frustrating to move into a new home and not even be able to turn on the TV. With one of our useful gadgets, your loved one can still maintain some independence when it comes to watching his or her favorite shows. Routine is important at this juncture in life, and nothing is quite as routine as watching certain shows every week.

Contact us today at Replacement Remotes to learn more about these handy remote controls and how they can help your loved one transition from one home to another.

Hospitality Remotes: Why Choose One?

Hospitality Remotes: Why Choose One?

Televisions in hotel rooms and hospital rooms are commonplace, as are their corresponding remote controls. Consumers use these remotes often during their stay. However, it is also common for these remotes to come up missing or damaged. Companies have several options when this happens, but the easiest solution is to have extra hospitality remotes on hand.

These hospitality remotes are simply universal remotes. They are the no-frills type of remote, and they are very basic in appearances and features. Company logos and custom colors are available on the remotes to represent the company brand. Codes are already programmed into these remotes for many different brands of TV, making setup a breeze. Usually, just pressing a short sequence of numbers will have the remote working fast.

This type of universal remote can be purchased in a clean variety. This means that they are hygienic, making them hospital safe. They will reduce nosocomial infections by at least 99{8c8ae2a71b30a2d8c6f534038a85ab39be2a915945a2526b1de25039d71b9e11}. This is important to protect patients from harmful infections and cross-contamination. The buttons on these remotes do not offer crevasses for germs to get into, also keeping them from being damaged from liquids. Cleaning is easy, too, with just a swipe or two of a cleaning wipe or washcloth.

Companies can order these remotes in bulk. This makes keeping extra remotes on hand very easy. Many universal remote companies sell remotes designated for the hospitality industry. These benefits make it clear why those in the industry would prefer these remotes over the traditional universal remote control. Plus, with these remotes, the original remote control is not needed.